Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?

I notice some makers are not stocking biwire termination. Has biwire gone out of favor ? Was it sonically meaningless ?
Have speaker makers dropped it ? Do us owners of biwire built speakers need to resort to jumpers or aftermarket biwire cables now ?
forget gauge.  That doesn't really matter.  Geometry and product are more important etc....  Personally I'd try Audioquest or Cardas.  Both are nice.  AQ is very neutral up and down the range and you need the DBS unit to get the best sound.  Type 44 or something like that can be a starting place.. Just look at their site.  Cardas can be darker at times.  Not a bad thing in high end audio.  It's a really nice cable.  Don't drive yourself nuts as the cable isn't as big a difference maker as spending the extra money on upgrading a full component. Too many folks lose site of this when building a system.  Richard Vandersteen had some great talking points about this topic at a seminar he did last year at Audio Connections.  He's actually coming back in May I believe.

Nordost to me can suck the life out of the sound.  I have friends who own stores who swear by it though.  Personally I have heard the Odin mk II I think they are on in a full Macintosh/Wilson Sasha 2 system and I didn't love it at all.  I couldn't live with it. I felt it sounded better with Transparent cable.  I won't buy from Transparent because Karen and her husband stole their designs from Bruce Brisson of MIT when they started out.  MIT was always very good cable for the levinson, but personally I'd stick with AQ or Cardas (who makes the OEM wires for MANY of the top audio wire brands).
Disclaimer: I’m a dealer for some of the products mentioned.
I am actually now using a crazy looking short quad wire system after previously running from jumpers/cables off a single wire and feel there is a sonic benefit. 3 of the 4 are bare wire however (insulated with clear pvc tubing) since I wanted to test the setup before springing for 4 sets of cables and was so satisfied I havent gone to expensive cables yet)
Both my amps and speakers have dual terminals so I decided to make use of them. (amps are PS audio BKH 300 monos and speakers are TAD CR1)
I’m actually running 2 sets of cables off each of the amps terminals. One terminal powers the velodyne subs high level input with another run for the enigmacoustics super tweeter and the other terminal powers the TAD’s mid/high terminal and additional run for the TAD’s woofer terminal. All the (16 Guage?) bare wire is doubled up.
I should post a pic of this Frankenstein set up for laughs. At some point I will experiment with 4 sets of short expensive cables to see if they can Improve upon the fine strand bare prototype wire I’m using that I was given to test for manufacturer.
I just read the Vandersteen website "faq" on biwiring. Very informative. 
Thanks for your guidance! 

Yes, Richard has done a great job with that site.  I don't know any others who have such a comprehensive Q&A page like that and Richard himself answers the questions.

Email, I can't wait to hear the you use in your system.  As you know the only thing is using the same length and type for each and every run.