Indeed you are right about the setup in the Best Buy store. I listened to the Sonus Faber Olympica III there today. The room has a different system on each wall and too many speakers in the room overall. But I have seen worse. I had a little time gap between errands and meetings so I went in for a listen. They sound good, but I would like a more critical listen with more time. They are driving the speakers with a 400 watt solid state McIintosh amp. Clearly this is nothing like my amp. Is that going to throw me off quite a bit? They do have a MC275 in the store, though it may be challenging to get them to hook it up to the speakers for some reason...
Indeed you are right about the setup in the Best Buy store. I listened to the Sonus Faber Olympica III there today. The room has a different system on each wall and too many speakers in the room overall. But I have seen worse. I had a little time gap between errands and meetings so I went in for a listen. They sound good, but I would like a more critical listen with more time. They are driving the speakers with a 400 watt solid state McIintosh amp. Clearly this is nothing like my amp. Is that going to throw me off quite a bit? They do have a MC275 in the store, though it may be challenging to get them to hook it up to the speakers for some reason...