First Hand Experience?

Hey all!

I am considering purchasing the Rotel RB-1582Mkii power amp. I'm hoping that I can get get some first hand experiences/insights from anyone who has either owned this amp or who has thought about buying it and decided against it for whatever reason and what amp they ended up buying instead.
On paper it has some interesting features/specs and enough power to drive most any speaker but there don't seem to be too many reviews of it on the Internet.
Also, if you have owned it, what pre-amp did you use with it? Tube or Solid State?

Thanks in advanced for your replies!
Thanks for the input on the Parasound amps. I have had my eye on them, but wasn't sure what to think. Will read any reviews I can find.
Since you are going to use your Yamaha as a separate amp or pre I would purchase the pre 1st as it would add the most toward an upgrade. I, and several others on this forum, truly enjoy the tube pre/SS amp combo. You then have a choice as to improving your digital front end or go the TT phonostage route as sources. Do you have an budget estimate you are willing to spend on this system?

Now, if the Yamaha amp doesn’t drive you speakers to the extent you want, then buy the amp 1st. Regarding amps, I would go with a Parasound or Odyssey amp (lean toward this somewhat more). I own a Jolida Fusion pre that I think is great value (at$1350).

I take it that you currently have a CD player. If so does it have digital out? ItIf so it could be used as a transport with an external DAC. The DAC could also support a computer as a server. 

Once you get to considering the TT you need to consider the TT/cartridge/phonostate as a unit to obtain the best synergy. 

Again consider this an enjoyable journey. Keep the music 1st, and upgrade components as a means to this end.
Somewhere along the line you'll need to consider the impedance match between whatever power and pre amps you get; so you might want to decide which of each you ultimately will get regardless of timing. Another consideration might be to go the integrated amp route. 
Good points all.
My budget on the amp is $2,000.00 or less.
I thought of going with the pre first but I'm not sure what that would add to what I would hear out of the speakers. Thus my thought of amp first and Yamaha "pre-out" until I could go with a tube pre amp.
MECSH you mention Jolida; I was looking at their Fusion intergrate as well as their tube Pre amps & amps. I did read some reviews that the intergrate & seperate amp lacked some in the "umph" department. In other words, did not do all that well driving Hard to drive speakers.
My CD player is (again) a Yamaha CD-N500. Not sure what you mean buy "digital out." Honestly, this is a really good cd player with Burr-Brown 32-Bit/192kHz DAC. It sounds very good especially with FLAC file CDs. Wish it handeled DSD.
As for impedence, I've always been a fan of 4 ohms. But considering my limited budget I think I will get most for my money sticking to 8 ohm speakers.
As for inergrate, I'm already there with a 100 watt Yamaha Intergrate. Sure, there are better receivers on the market but going with seperates will allow me more advantage as far as tweaking in the future as my bank book allows.
Another priority for me is sound stage and separation of instruments. I get that to some degree with the Yamaha integrate with a good FLAC or DSD file. But not nearly to the point where I can picture the instruments in their respective locations. Some of this my be due to the speakers but I believe separate amp/pre amp will help this a lot. Thoughts anyone?