Esoteric K-01X or K-03X??

I just sold my 6 years old Esoteric X-03SE CD player and 2 years old G-03X Master Clock today. So it’s time for me to decide which is my next CDP: Esoteric K-01X or K-03X?

 I have a friend who bought a K-01X four months ago, he listen to it about 2 months but not happy with the sound (He said not musical and lack of emotion…), then he put it into the box and continue enjoy his Vinyl. Because of our close relationship and this guy is rich, I can get his K-01X around USD 9400 only. If I buy a brand new K-03X, I pay around USD 7500. I know this is a very good deal, and I know many of you will say just go to get this K-01X. Yes, I saw hundred of posts about the good thing of K-01X, but I never have chance to compare it side by side with K-03X. Does K-01X really sound much better than K-03X? 

I’m thinking if we can use quantization to measure these CDP, if you give K-01X 100 scores, then score you give K-03X? 95? 90? 85? ....

So what about compare to K-03X and the my old X-03SE? If you give K-03X 100 scores, then what score you give X-03SE?

I’m thinking maybe I can save some money to buy other things like a 4K color new TV if I choose K-=03X. BTW, I’m not interested in CAS, so DSD has no meaning to me. I just use my CDP to pay my normal Red Book audio CD and SACD. Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!

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These are what's inside both, pick your poison.

ESOTERIC K-01 8 x AK4399EQ

VRDS-NEO VMK-3.5-20S- SPU3162

ESOTERIC K-03 4 x AK4399EQ

VRDS-NEO VMK-3.5-10 – SPU3162

If your only doing Redbook I would say neither, as they both use Delta Sigma dacs (AK4399EQ), and for "bit perfect" Redbook conversion a R2R ladder Multibit dac is the way to go.

But seeing you want to do sacd as well, then I would choose the K-01 as it uses 8 x AK's and they did that for a reason. 

Cheers George

R2R is not the magic, NOS is the magic, and the AKM DAC can do it. But with that said, just get the TEAC UD-503. There is no need to spend lots of money for DAC nowadays, the new tech is awesome and cheap. In fact, expensive DAC tends to be snakeoils.

Thanks for everybody's input!


Hi 68pete

If I’m correct, these new Esoteric CDP’s different multi settings (filters) and up sample rates is only for playing music file for CAS (Example: DSD)? Amy I correct?

However, my friend only use it to play audio CD and SACD, so it shouldn’t related to multi filters and up sample rates.


Hi dgarretson

I think even my friend just use it for less than 200 hours, the sound should not lack of musical and dry. So what I’m thinking is my friends’ equipment like amp, speaker and cable does not match with his K-01X.


And sorry I missed one information, this K-01X is not a 220V CDP  (My location is using 220 to 230V), which is a Japanese version 120V product. The seller convert it to 220V by setting the internal jumper, so I’m not sure if this will change the sound quality a lot??

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I cannot compare the two, but Esoteric players have a reputation for needing way more than 200 hours to sound good...

The selectable upsampling and filtering options apply to both RBCD and SACD from the transport.  My opinion of these options has evolved through the break-in process. After extended break-in is I gravitate toward RBCD upsampled to unfiltered DSD and SACD unfiltered.  However the 10Mhz Rubidium clock makes more of a difference than the upsampling and filtering options.

BTW, the K-01X is sensitive to PCs and platforms.  Hopefully your friend played around with the ancillaries before forming critical judgment.  I'm using a Starsound Sistrum Rhythm rack and a DIY shielded PC with 10awg silver conductors.

A well broken-in K-01X is big, bold, and emotionally involving.