Losing out

I'm a little ticked.  Was having a good convo with a seller and was afforded the opportunity to respond/commit to buy by the end of the day.  I did.  Lo and behold.  Sold to another.  Wasn't given a courtesy heads up that an offer had come in even though I was within the time frame noted.   Am I wrong to be irritated?  I don't operate that way.  Even with people I don't know I do the right thing.  Don't believe the right thing was done today by a highly graded seller.  
@drpat, You say you get it, but your next statements shows that you really don't. 

As soon as "good conversations" ensue you need to conclude them with either:
A) Here is my firm offer good for X amount of time. Ready to pay now.
B) I'd like to mull it over until the end of the day, so will you accept $100 refundable deposit NOW via paypal to hold it until the end of the day and give me right to match other incoming offers.
or C) I'd like to mull it over and will get back to you by day's end, and I accept the risk that you might accept another firm offer(maybe even at a lower price) if one comes in. 
Expecting anything more from the seller isn't reasonable nor to be expected from most sellers here, not even those you know personally.

Good luck on the next one! Guessing you'll find a better deal. Cheers,
Spencer, thanks for the sage council. Option B would have been a good one if I had been wise enough to think Ali g those lines.   Live and learn.  I do get it now.
From a SELLERS perspective.....I honor the 1st person who pays the money....Period! And I don’t take promises in any way . From a BUYERS perspective If I have paid the money I would expect to receive the item. One time here on Audiogon I sent payment via cashiers check and after 10 days I never received Item, but after I complained to the seller, I DID get my money back. Very strange indeed.

Matt M
The exact same item WILL show up again only the new owner will be selling it at an inflated price, that happened to me before.