You mentioned a Dennesen accessory to locate the arm mounting hole. I thought that was in response to my comment on locating the pivot point for the arm. But my mention had nothing to do with locating the pivot point to drill and mount an arm. Rather it related to setting up the Dennesen. This can be difficult with arms which do not identify their pivot point in some way on top of the arm tube or pivot armature. That was my reference to disappointments in use. Fortunately that has not been an issue with most arms I've used.
Back to arm recommendations and some discussion here of the DV505. Without making any specific recommendation I might suggest that Crazy Bill, and any others looking for an arm, to consider if they have reason to prefer one of the common alignment formulas and pick an arm which conforms with that. Case in point, which includes the DV505, I recently found this in a post on Vinyl Asylum by bkearns, "The following is a list of tonearms with recommended null radii at or near the IEC inner groove radius (60.325mm):- Audio Technica AT1009; Audio Technica AT1010; Dynavector DV 505; Hadcock Super Unilift MKIII; Infinity Black Widow GF; Keith Monks M9BA Mk3; Series 20 PA1000. In addition the Rega tonearms (perhaps), and many integrated turntables from Japan appear to conform to this system. Perhaps the popularity of Stevenson's method relates to the predominance of British engineering in turntables and tonearms."
Happy listening.