Upgrade from Proac Response 1SC?

I never thought I'd be asking this, but what bookshelf speaker might be a step up from these? I've had and loved them for a little over 10 years now, but with a recent major upgrade in my electronics (will be listed at end of post) I think they're just a bit too small for what's now driving them. I've heard a pair of Sonus Faber Olympicas (way out of my price range) and some Revel M-106's (not sure they're a step upwards from the Proacs). Would like something I can live with for a long time to come, but hoping not to exceed about $3000. Impossible mission? Maybe...
Advice and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Hegel H-200, Cambridge Audio 751BD, Bryston BDA-1 DAC, REL S2 sub. Clarus Aqua speaker cables & interconnects (mostly).
So here's what happened: a local seller offered a pair of Proac Response D-2s at an irresistible price so it was an experiment I couldn't pass up. I've spent a couple of weeks with these, getting a sense of what they do and how they differ from the Response 1SCs (which I haven't sold yet and probably won't offer for a little while yet). Yes, the D-2s have Proac DNA, no mistake. However, their balance is quite different from the 1SCs. Gone is the occasional glare the SCs exhibited, but this added control comes at the expense of some of the SC's warmth. I'm not entirely sure I like the Vifa tweeters as much, as I'm not sure they integrate as seamlessly with the woofers as they should. I'll give them a good amount of time to get them and my ears acclimated. All things considered, I do like the D-2s--they do a lot of things really well. Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? I'll keep you posted...
@cooper52 I am resurrecting this old thread since I am considering a D2 purchase and am waiting with bated breath to hear what came of the auspicious start of a beautiful friendship. :)
I've owned Response 1.5, 2.5 and 1sc's. As much as I like Proacs I feel Speaker Art is a better speaker in every way. 
Badri, just to follow up, the Response D2s and I are still friends. It actually took some time for the old Proac magic to emerge, as I think the previous owner(s) of these speakers didn't play them enough, and they take about 100 hours to find their voice. I thought at first they were a little too bright, but with a few minor tweaks (they like Proac's standard jumpers a lot better than the Kimber Kable ones I tried) they've calmed down quite a bit and I'm really enjoying them. Wonderful detail, excellent imaging. I'd say they're still a bit on the bright side but amplification plays a role in this and I've been giving a little thought to changing from my present Hegel H200 to something like a Modwright KWI200 which has the reputation for sounding fuller.