Upgrade from Proac Response 1SC?

I never thought I'd be asking this, but what bookshelf speaker might be a step up from these? I've had and loved them for a little over 10 years now, but with a recent major upgrade in my electronics (will be listed at end of post) I think they're just a bit too small for what's now driving them. I've heard a pair of Sonus Faber Olympicas (way out of my price range) and some Revel M-106's (not sure they're a step upwards from the Proacs). Would like something I can live with for a long time to come, but hoping not to exceed about $3000. Impossible mission? Maybe...
Advice and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Hegel H-200, Cambridge Audio 751BD, Bryston BDA-1 DAC, REL S2 sub. Clarus Aqua speaker cables & interconnects (mostly).
@cooper52 I am resurrecting this old thread since I am considering a D2 purchase and am waiting with bated breath to hear what came of the auspicious start of a beautiful friendship. :)
I've owned Response 1.5, 2.5 and 1sc's. As much as I like Proacs I feel Speaker Art is a better speaker in every way. 
Badri, just to follow up, the Response D2s and I are still friends. It actually took some time for the old Proac magic to emerge, as I think the previous owner(s) of these speakers didn't play them enough, and they take about 100 hours to find their voice. I thought at first they were a little too bright, but with a few minor tweaks (they like Proac's standard jumpers a lot better than the Kimber Kable ones I tried) they've calmed down quite a bit and I'm really enjoying them. Wonderful detail, excellent imaging. I'd say they're still a bit on the bright side but amplification plays a role in this and I've been giving a little thought to changing from my present Hegel H200 to something like a Modwright KWI200 which has the reputation for sounding fuller.
I made the move from Proac 1SC's to B&W Nautilus 805 Signatures. I've been very happy with the upgrade. Of course, 805 Signature's are many years old now and not easy to find, but it is a really great speaker that looks great and is easy to fit into most rooms.
My journey went from the 1SCs to D15s. After that I went to Merlin VSM with BAM and upgrades. The Merlins showed the weaknesses of my prior Jolida amp and I moved to a Cary SLI80 F1. This gives a very satisfying result.