Esoteric K-01X or K-03X??

I just sold my 6 years old Esoteric X-03SE CD player and 2 years old G-03X Master Clock today. So it’s time for me to decide which is my next CDP: Esoteric K-01X or K-03X?

 I have a friend who bought a K-01X four months ago, he listen to it about 2 months but not happy with the sound (He said not musical and lack of emotion…), then he put it into the box and continue enjoy his Vinyl. Because of our close relationship and this guy is rich, I can get his K-01X around USD 9400 only. If I buy a brand new K-03X, I pay around USD 7500. I know this is a very good deal, and I know many of you will say just go to get this K-01X. Yes, I saw hundred of posts about the good thing of K-01X, but I never have chance to compare it side by side with K-03X. Does K-01X really sound much better than K-03X? 

I’m thinking if we can use quantization to measure these CDP, if you give K-01X 100 scores, then score you give K-03X? 95? 90? 85? ....

So what about compare to K-03X and the my old X-03SE? If you give K-03X 100 scores, then what score you give X-03SE?

I’m thinking maybe I can save some money to buy other things like a 4K color new TV if I choose K-=03X. BTW, I’m not interested in CAS, so DSD has no meaning to me. I just use my CDP to pay my normal Red Book audio CD and SACD. Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!

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R2R multibit is the magic, for "bit perfect" Redbook replay, as Delta Sigma (bitstream) is just a facsimile (approximation) of PCM conversion process.

You just have to take a look what the latest high end flagship dac’s like MSB, Trinity, AMR, Schitt, and many others are going back to R2R ladder now to get Redbook right.

But the OP wants to be able to do SACD as well, so he’s stuck using Delta Sigma conversion, even though it’s a step down from R2R for Redbook conversion.

Cheers George

Thanks! Seem like the up-sampling rates and filters are very interesting thing to try. May I know is that mean different up sampling rates and filters produce different sound character? For example:


Up Sample-1 = Very clear, very high analytical and transparency sound

Up Sample-2 = Rich, more thicker and transparency sound

Up Sample-3 = Between sample 1 & 2

Am I correct?

About the Stanford Research PERF-10 : 10 MHz rubidium audio clock. As I know many 10M rubidium Clock/ Oscillator need to work with an external master clock like Esoteric G-03X, G-02 or G-02. But according to dgarretson, it seem like Stanford Research PERF-10 can WORK with K-03X/ 01X directly and without necessary an external master clock, am I correct?

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Just look at the Stanford Research PERF-10 information, it don’t have any setting of the frequency (Which mean to the tell the CDP what frequency to use: 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz”, so I think it still need an external master clock with work with it. Unfortunately I just sold my Esoteric G-03X……..This is another big investment to buy a G-02 and a Stanford Research PERF-10………

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I agree with the posters above; grab the K-01X at that unbelievably good price and then carefully put 350 hours (at least) on every filter combination as well as ensuring you put the same on CD as well as SACD playback. The results are worth it in the long run but know that you are looking at 1500-2000 aggregate to do it properly. As noted above the filters and up-sampling choices figure into all aspects of CD and SACD playback.  That stated, there are other threads here where myself and many others have tested and commented; I prefer 176.4 up-sampling with the S_DLY2 filter options for the K-01 and X versions as well as my P-02/D-02.

Power cord and interconnect choices are also very important.   So is the choice of using the balanced XLR outputs to get the best sound out of any Esoteric unit....

Good luck with your decision...the K-01X followed by methodical break-in and finding the right combinations for your listening preferences is definitely the way to go!
The 22Mhz master clock in the K-01X synchronizes to the PERF-10 at 10Mhz, and all other frequencies are derived within the CDP.You don't need a G-02.  If you purchase a Perf-10, get it with the optional 12Vdc power port for use with an outboard linear PS.