New Oppo BDP-95 better than the McIntosh MVP-881?

For the money, the 29 lb. McIntosh MVP-881 Universal Blu Ray player is one of the biggest rip offs in Blu Ray DVD history.
Looking inside the unit reveals not much under the hood for
$ 8K. The power supply is skimpy and it has three cooling
fans. One on the bottom, one on the rear, and one on the inside. Very, very hot! What I call Scrooge engineering.
The Mac uses the Sabre32 ESS9016 24x Dacs. Five total. The new Oppo BDP-95 coming out in February uses the Sabre32 ESS9018's 32x Dacs. Two total with a beefy power supply, selling for $ 1K. I hope the Oppo knocks the hell out of the McIntosh, Marantz, Denon, Ayre, and Lexicon Universal players selling between $4 and $10K. For McIntosh to put out a player that is hotter than any other high end player
on the market, is a sign that their engineering has gone down hill and their glory days are over.
Well, I am with you on this one Ozzy, ( I don't have nearly the dragon to slay but.. ) The MF will have to stay for now. Coming from an older Sony BR player though, this is just great!
At 174 hrs of burn in on my 95, Its not the same as the out of the box performance, even at 60 hrs it wasn't the same. I would love to hear more feed back from you guys after the 60 and 120 hrs of playtime marks, it should be intresting how close or not it gets! I'm willing to say at 300 hrs, it will do somethings well the Cary wont, the 135 db dynamic range of the ESS Sabre dac is no slouch! and may just be a dragon slayer!
I will continue to run it in this week Jdub and get back to you, I need to find a pair of balanced cable as well to try that. What player are you comparing the 95 to?
Nothing in the same league as the Cary, but over the years I've had a couple Phillips 963, Pioneer 47a, and most recently a Denon 5900. I've had the chance to listen to some pricer players as well. To my ears the Ess Sabre dac are redefining whats possible with digital and the Oppo has brought that down to real world prices. It's just so easy to listen to! I haven't tried the balanced outs yet I've been waiting for it to fully settle and go from there, for now I'm using AQ"s Columbia rca.
The 95 is very easy to listen to, and I could live with it. But the MF delivers a much more detailed and solid sound. I will see what happens after a few more days of burn in.