New Oppo BDP-95 better than the McIntosh MVP-881?

For the money, the 29 lb. McIntosh MVP-881 Universal Blu Ray player is one of the biggest rip offs in Blu Ray DVD history.
Looking inside the unit reveals not much under the hood for
$ 8K. The power supply is skimpy and it has three cooling
fans. One on the bottom, one on the rear, and one on the inside. Very, very hot! What I call Scrooge engineering.
The Mac uses the Sabre32 ESS9016 24x Dacs. Five total. The new Oppo BDP-95 coming out in February uses the Sabre32 ESS9018's 32x Dacs. Two total with a beefy power supply, selling for $ 1K. I hope the Oppo knocks the hell out of the McIntosh, Marantz, Denon, Ayre, and Lexicon Universal players selling between $4 and $10K. For McIntosh to put out a player that is hotter than any other high end player
on the market, is a sign that their engineering has gone down hill and their glory days are over.
How do you figure that? unless you use hdmi!but with no analog outs(for us legacy users ) defective RBG( which works best with my tv) and no balanced outs for the 2channel audiophile in me! sorry to bust your bubble, but for streaming I do hear its outstanding and for a non reference picture the tweakable settings seam to be favored by non-purist, beyond that its not in the 95's class for analog playback for which it exist!
It has a fan base over at AVS as well,I may try one for its streaming abilities if no other options are available in the next couple of months but for all else(sacd,2ch,movies, etc..) I'll stick with my 95!
When you can get a refurb DVD-A1UDCI with AKM DACs for 2K and 1 yr warranty all else becomes obsolete, HDMI/DSD loses because most processors feature inferior to AKM DACs. Get it and invest in King Cobra interconnects:)

MVP881 may be an expensive A1 rebadge:
A $95.00 Sony Blu Ray is better than the 881- trust me, I have both in order to finish watching a disc after the Mac freezes up, and needs the wall plug pulled in order to work again.
Two written communications to McIntosh's Service Manager went un-answered.
Not only are their "Glory Days" over, their ability to provide even basic Customer Service has also left the building. In "The old days" it took a month to get a piece looked at, now they don't even answer a request for help.