Do we love our components more then ourselves ???

Recently I completed my long expected and delayed move cross country
My household furnishings was shipped via a national moving company.My components was packed ,crated palletized and shipped with a secured and bonded company. 
Because of delays with moving into a new home my household furnishings are in a storage unit .
My components however are neatly placed in a climate controlled room double locked room.
Am I the only audio addicted moron that would put this hobby and its cost before anything else ??
I'm sure many of you have moved and some long distance.What were your priorities //

Very true, inna. I have to decide which of my vintage snare drums I want to be buried with me. My 1920's Ludwig & Ludwig Standard, my 30's Ludwig Anniversary, my 50's Slingerland Radio KIng, or my 60's Ludwig COB Supraphonic? Or, if I lose some weight, all of them?!
Delivery of my obsession is only 5 days away.Man, I miss my music.
bdp24 thats a lot of Lps and Cd's and along with other treasures how do you allocate the time?
Thanks guys for letting me know I'm not the only nut.
I'm sure there are many more of us but I guess they chose not to post 

bdp24, I hear you. I already decided which one of my knives I want to be buried with. It's a 7" John Fitch fighter, if anyone is interested.
It's a hell of a knife, even the devil is to be impressed, I suppose.
I once thought about it, but than quit thinking and figured out that it's almost no remorse for me to sell anything I own in terms of record collection, turntables or other electronics or firearms. In case my close one gets in trouble I'll sacrifice my goods in the heart beat to get one out of trouble. Pieces of plastic, metal and other mechanisms not worth to be so attached to them. 
czarivey, you are being too concrete even utilitarian. 
I don't like firearms, by the way. Bullets are stupid. Unlike blades, they are precise personal and never fail. Good blades I mean.