klipschorns, they kick ass for sure

hello folks.   for those out there that think the big klipschorn's are not good enough to be a high end quality speaker, guess what??   your wrong!!   I have been in audio for over 40 years. I have heard many speaker systems over the years. I have very good speakers now in my home. I have good equipment running them.  I picked up a pair of k-horns last week.  1986 model year.  replaced the crossovers with crites xovers.  one tweeter blown.  replaced both with ct120 tweeters from crites. hooked them up to my parasound  3500 amp ( yes, way overkill  )  but I wasent in the mood to move it.  speakers placed where they are supposed to be in the corners of the room.  well let me tell you all it took was 2 minutes to decide these things are the bomb.  I dident hear any of the stuff I been reading about over the last 30 years how these speakers are harsh, no good bass and everything else everybody says about them.  as far as im concerned they are clean, clear, crisp, and loud. did I say loud.  volume starts a 7 o'clock,  at 9 o'clock  your ears start to bleed.  I guess the 350 watts into a speaker that only needs 20 will do that.  and all the stuff I hear about  ss amps these speakers don't like.  only 30 watt tube amps will do or you will hear all kinds of noise.  well, all I can say is bull crap to that.  what I here is a speaker sounding better then just about anything else I ever heard.  I played rock,jazz,classical,  all passed with flying color's. all I can say is you guys out there that think they suck. have your ears cleaned out and go listen again.  yes, the 350 watt power house is going to go before I blow everything up. 
im going to dig out my cerwin vega's... now they were absolutely  the best speaker I ever heard.  and who could ever deny that.  my magnepans dont stand a chance against them.  
A buddy of mine had K-Horns driven by Threshold pre and power amps. A very nice setup indeed. We spent numerous hours building diffusers and absorbers trying to reach the holy grail. I never was able to afford K-Horns but I did own LaScala's, Heresy's and now Fortes (which I feel are about the best all around Klipsch made). I also have a set of Innersound Isis speakers which are a whole different ballgame. Your K-Horns are monsters playing on a field that few others do. D*mn everyone and their opinions. Enjoy those K-Horns!  
i would just like to say thank you to all who have supported me here.  there is nothing more to say about this post so im done with it. thank you again
Tomtab, I'm glad you like the speakers, I think you may not have meant to but pushed people off the track with the clean out your ears commentary.  People love to get excited and defensive. I get what you are saying and I think its informative. 
I've heard many speakers in my time -- including many systems costing way over $100,000. I'm not one that hasn't been around when it comes to audio systems -- I'm no novice.  I own Klipschorns and had considered making speaker "upgrades" at one point.  Fortunately, I had an epiphany before I replaced those wonderful Klipschorns.  I was able to acquire some quality tube amplificiation and the difference was astounding.  Granted, there are some high-end solid-state amplifiers that do quite well (I used to use Jeff Rowland), but the tubes just took it to another level.  Single Ended Triodes can be magical with Klipschorns.  Long story short, system synergy is very important and when you get it right with Klipschorns, they're among the very best. The great thing about this combination is that I'm now listening to the music and not the system.  Thanks to this setup, I'm enjoying music more than I ever have before.  I get a huge smile every time I power it up and am always amazed at just how good it sounds.  This is the first time I've never had the desire to upgrade at least something!  What is great for me is that I am getting such amazing sound for such (relatively) little financial outlay. There are many consumers that believe performance is proportional to dollars spent.  There are also those that want expensive things simply for others to see it. Vendors are of course aware and there are many available to take advantage of those situations -- in audio as well as other products.

P.S. Regarding the size of the speaker, if you have the corners for them they actually take up less space than most other speakers.   Consider speakers that you have to pull out away from the wall -- it's not just the footprint. Klipschorns tuck into corners nicely and are out of the way.  Visually, they're still big!