Consideration of amp change

Been thinking about a possible change of my integrated amp (current Classe CAP 151) and have under consideration the ARC DSi200 and or Sim Audio 600i. The front end is ARC CD 3 Mk 2 with Apogee Slant 6 speakers. I listen to rock, soft rock, jazz, new age and blues. I'm hoping to expand the sound staging (without being analitical) and want to try to expand the micro details from the music I listen to (see my system for all the details). My biggest draw back is that I don't have access to hear these pieces of equipment for comparisons though so I have to rely on educated opinions. I DO NOT WANT to go separates, (so please don't suggest any of that). Suggestions are welcome and appreciated and I'm working with in budget limitations with a top of $3K-$3.5K
There is a almost new Modwright KWI-200 integrated at 200 watts /per channel that would have the sound you're looking for at just over $3000.  I have had 3 Modwright cd/sacd players and loved them all.  Dan at MW stands behind his products incredibly well.  
top-end of your budget stretch for a used model but a punching heavy Goliath killer.....

REGA OSIRIS...Google the reviews.

highly recommended
I heard the Sim Audio and it was fantastic. It was setup with Dynaudio Confidence 1 Platinum speakers. It may have been the 700 though. I'm not sure.
I would recommend the LSA Statement Plus integrated amp currently for sale on Audiogon.
The Modwright KWI-200 is also a good recommendation, or a BAT VK-300SE.
Many good integrated amps out there these days.