why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
This thread keeps growing!

On a serious tip, it is not a matter of buying expensive gear- everything has its own cost (high/low). It is a matter of obtaining the correct synergy in one's system that does grow in price over time.
If a cable has significant resistance and reactance it will color the sound by interacting with the amplifier and loudspeaker. Using exotic cables to achieve a desired sound is not cost effective. Your money is better invested in monoblocks so that very short cable runs can be used. I use 4 foot runs of 18g solid core .999 silver Teflon coated wire. This cable has negligable resistance and reactance. I am most pleased with the sound. I run my signal straight with no equalization of any kind. Before I'd resort to cables to alter the sound i would use software to optimize the loudspeaker-room interaction. This is anathema to many purists. Yet they accept cable swapping with its numerous variables and unpredictable interactions. This is illogical. 
We buy these cables to listen to our rap music! Ah duh.  Any way I enjoy my jazz and my cables help with the realism and transparency. 
The Walking Dead has met it's match with this thread.
It refuses to die. No matter how you mow them down there's always more of the same not far behind. I can't decide which levels of Dante's hell are reflected here (I'm torn between the 6th and 8th) or maybe there is a 10th level especially reserved for some folk here that combines the two.

All the best,

mamboni41 posts03-13-2016 9:04pmIf a cable has significant resistance and reactance it will color the sound by interacting with the amplifier and loudspeaker. Using exotic cables to achieve a desired sound is not cost effective. Your money is better invested in monoblocks so that very short cable runs can be used. I use 4 foot runs of 18g solid core .999 silver Teflon coated wire. This cable has negligable resistance and reactance. I am most pleased with the sound. I run my signal straight with no equalization of any kind. Before I'd resort to cables to alter the sound i would use software to optimize the loudspeaker-room interaction. This is anathema to many purists. Yet they accept cable swapping with its numerous variables and unpredictable interactions. This is illogical.
What if I have more money than GOD so I can buy any monoblocks and EXOTIC cables.  Is this LOGICAL to you???