It is quite easy to explain: I only sell a 3 dimensional intimate and papable image. I use all the parts what influences the emotion of people.
Audio is comparing, first I explain how I work and what my sound is. After this you give a demo with the people their own music. After this I send them to many other shops as possible. Because I want audio to be as open as possible.
Then they come back, often you hear the stories about how low the other demos are. Most sets in audioshops are always 2 dimensional. These are facts again.
In all shootouts I did ( hundreds now) between 2 and 3 dimensional sound each person chooses for 3 dimensional sound. This is only a part of Tru-Fi. But an important part for how music influences our emotion. I never met any person who prefers a 2 dimensional sound.
I n 2007 I started to use all the parts which are important for highend in the mid price range as well. This has become very succesful.
Audio is comparing, first I explain how I work and what my sound is. After this you give a demo with the people their own music. After this I send them to many other shops as possible. Because I want audio to be as open as possible.
Then they come back, often you hear the stories about how low the other demos are. Most sets in audioshops are always 2 dimensional. These are facts again.
In all shootouts I did ( hundreds now) between 2 and 3 dimensional sound each person chooses for 3 dimensional sound. This is only a part of Tru-Fi. But an important part for how music influences our emotion. I never met any person who prefers a 2 dimensional sound.
I n 2007 I started to use all the parts which are important for highend in the mid price range as well. This has become very succesful.