Pc123v, i have never heard MH750 , so I'm unable to give any opinions. This MH750 maybe a branch off the spectral high speed broadband cable series, but I'm guessing only.
Bo, i agree with you that each cable due to its engineering design have their own characteristics, strength and weaknesses. But you're missing the point here. You are seeking TRU-FI, and I'm seeking to build my own sound base on my preference/taste. The music event doesn't have to be faithfully reproduce in a accurate manner so long as it has the sonic presentation that touch my emotions. Different people interpret music in different ways, what sound to you as inspirional may sound terrible for me. You had successfully influence some clients who may not know what they want or what touch them emotionally. But i know what i want in a musical presentation even if it could sound wrong to you. i.e, usually a pianist would be playing in centerstage, with other instruments backing up because the piano is in the limelight. But i don't like hearing panio in the centrestage, instead i wish the harp would sound more clearly because its music notes are soft and easily get "cover up" due to its locaton at the rear stage.
So MIT cables may not fit your needs but it sure fit mine to a great extent. Unless you tell me audioquest have the same wide, layered big sound as MIT , i wouldn't consider Audioquest or PAD, no matter how precise or the separation of instruments that these brands are able to delineate. Nevertheless i thank you and on behalf on other Agoners too, because you also offered your deep understanding on audioquest cables too.