CD player or CD transport ??

Hey All.... I'm looking to upgrade my CD playback by moving the duties from my Oppo player to a stand alone CD player.. It'll be connected to a pre-amp/processor before it hits the amplifier.. So my question is am I better off using the money to get an upper tier transport and relying on the DSP/DAC in the processor (currently Cary Audio Cinema12) or better to get a CD player because of the synergy that might occur in the design the maker made in the assembly/design of the unit ? I'm assuming the transport does no processing and only delivers the signal picked up from the CD... I have about the $2000 range...  Any suggestions on which model in the budget ?  I prefer it can do SACD too... Thanks
I bought an OPPO 105D and got it modded.  I still prefer my Ayre C-5xeMP so I moved the OPPO to my HTS.  There is something about the Ayre that is very tough to beat.  Wish Ayre took the same direction as Esoteric.
thanks guys for your help....  Ayre, Esoteric, and Classe is on my list to buy.. nobody mentioned Classe here but read that it also sounds amazing..  only problem is Classe is a little more than I wanted to spend.. I left Marantz out because in the past i just didn't like their customer service..