Need thoughts RE-Best Universal for my High end audio and TV, video etc.

Having issues.  Using a "URC" controller.  Having consistent problems with interface between components.  I run Conrad Johnson Pre and Power Amps--other than that, turntable, cd, dvd, tv,----Using ARCAM 600 for switching modes only for each component. ---that's about it.  Installer said he has "issues" with making all work with my CJ equipment. 

Just wondering----does anyone have any thoughts, re---a really good Universal remote for my equipment---or is it best to go back to all of the manual steps?  Or does my installer just not know what he is doing versus the usual Japanese items he is used to working with?  I do know ARCAM has had it's issues.

Appreciate your comments.
Have you contacted Conrad Johnson?
in general,amps should be the easiest things to work with.  The harder components are the ones that rely on HDMI hand offs.
i would get another installer
I use the Crestron G system (it's cheaper than the full blown Crestron) with a tablet as the handset.  Fully satisfied with no issues in three different rooms for a period of four or five years now.