Seeking to soundproof front door to my apartment

Hi All,
  I live in an apartment building in NY. The front door to my apartment leads out to the common hallway, which is shared by all those whom live on my floor where all can access the trash disposal, elevator, stairs, etc.

  When there are people in the hallway speaking, taking out the trash, or perhaps kids running around, the sounds easily travels into my apartment through the front door and can be quite disturbing while I'm listening to music, or watching movies. Conversely, when I listen to music, or watch films, the sound from my A/V system can be heard in the hallway coning out of my apartment and, as a result, can be a bother to others.

  I have been contemplating of having my front door soundproofed (at least to a great degree) in the attempt to block the sounds coming from the hallway into my apartment, as well as blocking sounds from my system from being heard in the hallway.

  I totally understand  that I may not have success in complete (total) sound isolation. However, I'm sure there are ways to get solid improvements. I cannot do the work myself, and would need to hire someone to get this done.

  Any and all suggestions are welcome, particularly regarding a professional(s) whom have the skills to do the job right.

Thank you
The seal is the key.  Replacing with an fully weather strip outdoor type door should cut most of the sound.  Be sure to lift the threshold to get a tight seal.  Oh, for the flat panels on inside of the door type lead wall paper.  Yes, such exists.  Of course you may need to change the hinges.  I used lead wallpaper years ago in a similar condition.  It worked.
In addition to whatever you decide, end up doing, etc. with the front door, if you are confident this is where most of the unwanted noise (or desirable music!) is entering/exiting you might want to consider a barrier in front of the door. Somewhere in this thread it was mentioned that hanging a carpet would be helpful, and it would be. Something similar (or exactly) like this would also help. Point here is that it would probably be better to introduce two or three solutions.
Actually, the problem very well might be the windows. Sound travels through glass very easily. You can hear a trailer truck rumble down the street way before it gets to the house.