Any Bluetooth wireless speakers that you like?

I'm looking to add sound to the living room in a WAF friendly manner.   Gotta be inconspicuous and no wires showing!

I'm thinking a wireless Bluetooth speaker that I can connect to from tablet or Smartphone running my favorite music apps is the way to go.

Any particular good sounding ones that you have heard?

The retro-styled Marshalls would fit in aesthetically I think.  My wife likes retro!  Maybe the portable model.

Not sure what your price point is but the Peachtree Deepblue 2 is worth a look if your looking to fill a larger room. 

@reubent ...I have the original Oontz, which is pretty much the same as the Angle 3 Small.  GREAT little speaker!
Funny you should ask.  I just bought a cheap Bluetooth speaker for streaming guitar  practice tracks from you tube.  A $70 pair would work, marginally but......

While shopping, I saw another BT speaker that you might want to check out. It turns out that BenQ, which I know only for high value video projectors, sells a small electrostatic Bluetooth speaker. Don't know the price and didn't hear it, but worth looking into IMO, if only for the education.

I ended up buying the Cambridge Oontz Angle 3 to have for a small portable speaker. It's not bad considering the size (really small), but it is not even close to HiFi. However, for less than thirty dollars with free shipping from Amazon, it's a great deal for a super portable.

Interestingly, my neighbor brought over his bluetooth speaker for a little get together this evening that included a lively game of music roulette. It turned out to be the Libratone. It's a nice speaker. Sounds way better and bigger than the little Oontz. I would definately consider buying one. It's portable enough since it has a small footprint and a nice carry strap. And it puts out enough sound to make it useful for small get togethers. It's the best combination of functionality, portability and sound that I've heard so far.