Among the pantheon of tweaks, I am highly skeptical of room treatments such as the stick-on chips, blocks, pebbles, discs, boxes and tiny bowls. The idea guys had to go SOMEWHERE with their products though, and since the under-component market was saturated with plinths, cones, bearings, points, racks, rubber cups, etc, it only made sense to move tweaks on top of and around the gear--hours of fascination and wonder for the customer. I would like to try that Novum PMR resonator, though. In choosing external audio tweaks, you have to look for items that either block, dissipate or absorb unwanted energy and sound waves or that clarify or focus the sound that you do want. This often involves items of considerable mass or area.
Wolf Garcia, you are in Dire need of some tweak faith. Jerry would have approved.
Thanks for listing your gear Whitestix. I'm not one to knock a guy's budget, but when it comes to the lower-priced amps, etc out there, you really DO get what you pay for--not much. Emotiva 5.1--is that a Chinese five-channel for around $600? Genius marketing, those guys. And those speakers--geez, couldn't you get some speakers that don't cross paths? You have to realize that the sound we hear is an energy transfer from the cone excursion to air molecules that then hit our eardrums. The smaller speakers should at least point at you........And yes, GK, the L. Ron Hubbard of audio, has combined a love of science fiction with shrewd observations of the audiophile's willing gullibility to try anything that may bring more audio beauty. You just have to learn how to wade through the BS.