Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Whitestix, no back-and-forth rock throwing. My posts here have to do with protecting this constructive thread against those who seek to ridicule those of us who use upscale fuses.  I asked you to list your system. Perhaps that would explain your lack of results with fuses and cords. It does--your amp cannot play up to the capability of a better fuse or cord. You like the sound--that's good enough for you--and me.  I have been fortunate--able to spend a lot more on gear that does benefit from better cords and fuses. My stuff? ARC, Magnepan, Wadia, REL.  Nothing exotic, boring choices, but predictable in sound quality, somewhat costly, and I am extending their scope with tweaks that work.  I do not endorse any of the crystals, pebbles, discs, blocks, chips, tiny bowls, etc. Oregon--I would like to hear the holograms--they are more than a stack of pebbles in a tray.        
Hi whitestix, mighty fine speaker's you have,  I'm a fan big time of the linkwitz speaker's,  however,  although I do agree most power cord's are crap, I  challenge you to try the taralab's cobalt power cord with oyaida termination's,  and the 3 higher model above that,  which are the cobalt Reference,  Evolution,  Evolution Grandmaster power cord's,  I have the model mentioned first,  I would say that this power cord was one of,  if not the most profound improvement to my digital player,  and system as a whole,  enjoy the music. 
I want to echo Whitestix for his praise of Don Sachs restored HK C-1 it is one of the best preamplifier ever, especially for analogue playback. Guys like Sachs, Jim McShane, Jeff Day (Positive Feedback/6 moons) and the like, have state-of-the-art systems, great hearing, know what they are doing when it comes to modding, restoring vintage gear, as well as listening to much of the latest, greatest, modern top shelf stuff. When they make statements of high praise for something like the Harmon Kardon restored C-1, or restored and modded ARC SPC 6B or 6C, or McIntosh MX110z, I wouldn't be so knee jerk dismissive. So, Whitestix, you have a stellar preamp; the Sachs modded HK C-1, that is a Wow! I'm on the hunt for one. Best, Rob

I forgot to mention the SR Black fuse is excellent, already about 200 hrs in my Coincident gear. Works well in my MiniMax DAC as well. More transparent, better, wider, deeper stage; really like the guitar tone, more relaxed, better flow of notes. Best, Rob

As much as I loved the HK C-I that Don fully modded for me, Don Sach's new preamp is much much better and much more simple in design.  The heart of the preamp is the octal tubes.  It is an unfathomably fine preamp, better than anything I have heard, and Don shared that view.  He sells his preamp for about $1800 with a fine custom-made wood base, which allows easy tube rolling.  Don is now also selling a KT88-based amp that, in his view, betters the HK-CII, an amp he also fully modded for me.  Don has worked on hundreds of tube amps and preamps and has both a great technical background, but also a very acute pair of ears.  In 45 years of having good gear, Don's new preamp is the finest piece of gear I have ever heard.   If you have great vintage tube gear in need of an rehab, Don can do wonders with it.  BTW, Don is the only guy recommended by Jim McShane and nobody has more credibility than Jim McShane in the tube audio space.  Cheers, Mark