"Last Tweak Syndrome" is an interesting theory. Who came up with that again?
Its definitely what's best for business.
"Last Tweak Syndrome" is an interesting theory. Who came up with that again?
Its definitely what's best for business.
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mapman ... You are such a cynic. *lol* Geoffkait ... Interesting take on "the last tweak." I've found myself asking the question many times after installing a tweak that works: is there anymore that can be had from those digits and grooves? When I first installed the Shatki Holograms, the effect was so profound, I thought that it had to be the end. The system went from a flat-screen presentation to one of 3-D. I've demonstrated this to friends many times by taking them out of the system, then putting them back in. Everyone hears the effects ... everyone. There have been many more improvements subsequent to placing the Holograms into the system, and many of those came before the first experiment with the very first SR Red fuse. As I listen to the system now, it is so good that it suspends disbelief. And ... there is still a Red fuse lurking in my amp waiting to be replaced with another Black fuse. After that, based upon the success gotten from the fuses, there will be more SR tweaks to come. I'm torn as to what to try next. I'm thinking about the XOT Carbon filters for the speaker crossovers, the ECT's for the interior of the electronics or the PHT's for the phono cartridge and the turntable junction box. Maybe David or Charles can help me out here. David ... I'm looking forward to meeting Ted Denny. I want to know what's on the horizon for his company. I've watched a youtube video about a new room treatment SR has using a material that sticks to the walls. I hope they demonstrate it at Newport. Robert and I will be checking in at Newport on Saturday, late morning. I'll give you a call as soon as we're done. Looking forward to meeting you. Anyone else want to meet up? OP |
Moopman wrote, mapman 13,054 posts 03-28-2016 11:48am "Geoff, "Last Tweak Syndrome" is an interesting theory. Who came up with that again?" Three guesses. The first two don’t count. Moopman also wrote, "Its definitely what’s best for business." I’m sure you’re just being paranoid. You know how I eschew tooting my own horn. Geoff Kait Machoman Dramatica |
This might be a timely article I came across over at High Fidelity. In it, the author points out that all common fuses are welded with nickel elements and that is a bottleneck, or sorts, to good sound. Also, there is a vibrating element that needs to be addressed with the wire in the fuse as current is passed through it. Maybe he’s onto something. All the best, Nonoise |
Rave on fuse heads! Mass hysteria aside, I suppose I'll simply wait for a reasonable explanation as to WHY a fuse would make what ardent promotors feel is such a huge improvement…somehow, based on the artful (or not so much) dodging of any basic technical question along these lines, I think I'll be waiting a long time. So far the primary response has been to utterly ignore such questions and gesture wildly in the direction of astonishingly fabulous subjective results with seeming hyperbole like "the Black fuse can double the performance of a well tuned system"…well, a decent ear cleaning may do the same, and the reason is at least explainable. |