Need Theta Digital DSPro Gen V schematics

If anyone has I would appreciate.  Theta won't help and said they don't have them. Wow.

My shop says it needs a transformer replaced.

czarivey  " You need to understand that English has distinct spelling from pronunciation: Theta said they "don't have", but spelled "won't give" instead."

I guess you're trying to be amusing. But actually, I'm not at all certain that they have the schematics. The original company was sold, and the new owners (ATI) are infamous for not supporting the older products.  This is true to the extent that my dealer - who tries to be accommodating - won't touch Theta products in trade.

Contacting Schiit is actually a good suggestion.

Oh I might've spelled wrong than I guess "don't care" would be the right one.
That's surprising. I talked to Theta less than a year ago and they said it is possible to service the Gen V analog or power supply sections (but not the digital components) as long as the parts are available. 

What information does this tech need, exactly.. the secondary voltage? The Gen Va has 32 volt rails after the LM317/337 regulators and 38 volts upstream... if that helps.