cable and interconnect advice?

I am the proud new owner of a brand new set of acoustic zen adagios ..wahoo.
i run a nu vista m3 hybrid amp
nu vista cd3 morrow ma4
vpi classic benzo
and as of now have 8tc kimber
any thoughts? i have an option to snag a set of tara lab one cables ?
or go for mr lees absolutes.
i would like to get a used pair prefferabley 1-1.5 meter
dont really wanna go over 500 bks so used may be best ,my 8tc kimbers
mostly classic rock,jazz and progressive

Sorry stringreen, he is not talking about a Shotgun configuration, as that would require a biwire connection at the speaker. His speakers have only one set of connections.

oleschool. I am recently retired, but worked 25 years in the high end audio/video industry. I can't begin to count the experiences and conversations I have had with many well respected people in the industry, Nelson Pass and David Wilson being two of them. Also studied electronics in school and did electronics repair in service. I still say a double connection at the amp end is a useless expense, and to just look at it technically, that double connection will not have an easier flow out as you say. There will not be any increase in flow compared to one connection. It will just split going through 2 connections instead of one, and there is less chance of signal degradation with one connection as opposed to multiple connections. Now it's an entirely different scenario with a biwire speaker, but none of those factors are relevant to your situation.

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thanks tls49 i value the insight,and thought it would help .I am very interested in everyones insight .
tis49  You are mistaken....I wasn't talking of bi-wiring (which I do with MY speakers)...but shotgun is using 2 speaker cables from the the amp (either on 1 or 2 outputs) (the same signal is outputing on both) to a single input of the speakers.

Ok, stringreen, Shotgun means two separate runs of wire. Over the years the term has been used quite loosely, and I don’t see the need to beat that dead horse. Unless I am not understanding oleschool correctly, he is talking about having a set of cables made that will be a single cable with one set of connections on the speaker end, and split on the amp end with two sets of connections. In that case, it is useless. Now, if he is talking about two separate runs of cable that are connected together at the speaker end only, then I agree with you that it could sound better, however from a practical sense, he could just get the two runs of cable, and stack the connections at the speaker. But I also agree with the comment made to me by a highly respected amplifier designer, just get a better single cable as opposed to splitting the funds for two cables. As always, ymmv.