What is the "sound" dif. between a Joule -Elctra OTL and a SET amp??

Guys- I currently have the Wyetech Topaz 211 with KR 211 tubes and audio note transformers which I love - BUT have always been intrigued by the Joule Elctra OTL's at past shows- I have been offered by a dealer a pair of VZN-100's not sure if they are MK IV or V or what the difference between the 2 versions are but was wondering from a sound presentation between my 211 SET amps and the OTL- I am using the Classic Audio T1.4 horn speakers- Thanks so much for the opinions as always!!
Fluffers, Just so we are clear here, unless you are in a smaller room, which is hard to imagine with T-1s, the Frankensteins will likely not have enough power. To really hear what an amplifier like that is all about, you would need a good 6-10 db more efficiency.

I'm very familiar with John's speakers as we've shown with him at shows for the last 20 years or so.

Classic Audio Loudspeakers does offer the Hartsfield Reproductions which are more suitable for the Frankensteins, but IMO the T-1 is a better speaker overall. I'm sure you already know what that is about as you have the T-1.4.
I have heard the older Wyetech 211 amps with the Audio Note transformers and that is a very nice sounding amp.  It was being used with ultra high efficiency speakers (107 db/w) so I do not know how they perform with speakers that are not that efficient.  

I have also heard several Joule OTL amps and they were quite nice sounding too.  For OTLs, they are on the fuller, warmer side of the tonal spectrum. One of the Joules I heard had some noise issues, and this was the case even when running speakers that were not extremely efficient.  I happen to like the lively, dynamic sound of OTL amps.  The Classic Audio speakers I heard, particularly the field coil models, are themselves very dynamic and lively sounding, but, I never thought that combining an OTL with such speakers resulted in too much of a good thing (they sounded quite good with the Atmasphere OTLs that they are often paired with at audio shows).

You can never know how something will work out unless you actually try the particular combination; see if you can arrange an in-home audition with the Joules.
Fluffers isn't interested in Frankenstein,  he's has the Wyetech 211 amplifiers and is considering the Joule OTL. Thaluza owns the Frankenstein and previously owned the Jolues.
I appreciate your detailed and very insightful comments. If interesting that you mention piano, we have one in our home as well. Surprisingly the 8 watt Frankenstein reproduced the most realistic piano sound I've ever heard in my system. Actually every instrument is reproduced more realistically than with previous owned amplifiers.  Based on your description I believe that I'd really enjoy the Joule OTL as much as you did. Two different amplifiers but both with many desirable attributes. 
Hi Larryi,
The warmer and fuller sound of the Joule OTL you describe relative to other OTLs makes sense to me. I've only heard the Berning and the Atma-Sphere OTLs  and they were a lean and clean type presentation. So the Joule OTL goes in a different direction. 