Repair a Rel Britannia B-3?

I have a Rel Britannia B-3 that recently died, no blue LED light, no power. A repair guy here in Houston says he can't find parts or a replacement board for it. I tried calling Sumiko in California and received no help. It was $2200 new and sounds great with my Thiel 1.6s, so I hate to scrap it. My dealer is back in Cincinnati, and doesn't do repairs.

Any advice would be most welcome.
Well , your DEALER in Ohio should be able to help you get parts. Why are they selling RELS they cant service? This is a really bad problem that has been going on for sometime now. My brother waited for 6 mons to get a replacement driver for a REL B1. Good luck trying to get help here in the U.S. Call the UK Direct. The Britiania series is very good ...all the new Rel subs are smaller and lighter...if that tells you anything. The B3 does not have the voice coil of the B2 or B1 so for that reason you should consider moving on to a JL Audio sub, this would be my recommendation.
Having repaired two REL subs myself, a Stadium lll and a Strata lll, I'm fairly certain the B3 has a very similar amplifier PCB judging from the B3 description in the operators manual. There are three(3) fuses that need to be checked on your B3. The first fuse is the one on the rear panel in the IEC connector, the other two are only accessible by removing the rear panel operator interface/amp assembly from the enclosure. These two will be located on the amplifier PCB and are for each PS rail right after the mains transformer.

Check these fuses and while you have the interface/amp assembly removed, checked for any burnt or discolored components on the amplifier PCB as this is where most failures occur. If you find no obvious component failure(s)or suspected failure(s) but you find an open fuse, replace the fuse with the same value/rating then replace the interface/amp assembly and reapply power. If she lights up, you're good to go.

Let us know what you find and we can go from there if you want. BTW, REL holds their designs and component values as proprietary and will not give out any info nor will the dealers. They will insist you send the unit in to them for repairs/troubleshooting.