Your not a serious audiophile I'd you have??????

Let's start a coversation kinda tongue in cheek about this question. Also lets comment on the other way around . Your not a serious audiophile if you don't have ????? I will post my thoughts after several others have posted. Mike
Serious audiophiles can get into forum rant 'n raves that can go on endlessly about an esoteric item that drives other 'less serious 'philes' into an immediate lust for said item, regardless of price or appropriateness for Their system....the 'Just Because It Exists and It Might Help Factor'.

Lemmings act like to watch from a safe distance...;)

Keep it rollin', y'all.  Funniest thing I've read here @ AG, and wayyy too close for the comfort of 'some'.

Oh, and y'all haven't even started in on 'speaker size' and comparative anatomy yet...the "taller the line source, the shorter the...." ;)
Your not an audiophile if you don't have an MC phono cartridge and your not a serious audiophile if you don't have at least 2 mounted tonearms!!!!
Your not a serious audiophile if you don't want to blow the dust off your ten year old CD player in the closet that you replaced with a multi thousand one 2 years ago . You don't want to know if the older one was just as good because it just can't be so why should I compare. Waste of time wouldn't you say??
Your not a serious audiophile until you start a thread tittled your not a serious audiophille if you have?????