interconnect choice

I have the option of buying 15ft harmonic technology truth link silver or mit mi330 plus interconnects. this will go between my modwright ls100 and kwa100se. is any one of these a clear winner or markedly different? thanks.
I’m actually a big fan of the hollow oval conductor approach of Analysis Plus having been the proud owner of their copper oval interconnects which in fact turned out to be directional. I also had one of the Analysis Plus Pro Oval Power Cords which has to be one of the unsung bargains of HiFidom, coming in at less than 100 bucks for a three foot cord terminated with Wattgate connectors. Cannot beat them with a stick.
I just rearranged my room and I had to place my amp close to the speakers so I am stating from scratch. A friend loaned me MIT MI 330 series two for the meantime. They sound ok but I have no basis for comparison. It was also suggested that I consider the Wireworld Equinox 7. I have been told the HT is kind of dark and lifeless sounding. Bith the WW and HT are older cables and the WW is the newest of the 3 I am considering (if that means anything).
czarivey....that's true if the equipment is designed for balanced operation...not just single ended with XLR connections.
Stringreen, OP components are fully balanced and will certainly benefit from XLR cables.