Where is the weakest link in my system?

Could any of you good folks offer your opinions and guidance on where my weakest link is located? 

Creek Evolution 100a integrated amplifier
PSB Imagine T2 loudspeakers
Creek Destiny DAC board
Creek Sequel MM phono board
Roksan Radius 5mk2 turntable
Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
Bluesound Node 2 digital streamer (via Tidal)
Music Hall WCS-2 record cleaner (Mobile Fidelity cleaner and rinse agent)

Four things to note:

1.  It's unlikely that I can upgrade speaker cable, as it must be run in the wall and already exists.  I installed a good quality 14 gauge cable--but nothing fancy.  

2. My digital toslink cable connecting the Bluesound to the Creek internal DAC is a basic street make/model. 

3. The Roksan has original tonearm wiring and din to RCA external cable. 

4. I enjoy my system but sometimes I feel that it could offer more imaging and high end detail.  I previously had Totem Arro loudspeakers and do miss the huge, seamless holographic picture they cast.  The PSBs have great bass extension and I can't fault them....or should I? 

Would I be best to consider pushing tons of power to the PSBs?  Should I try something like a Prima Luna tube integrated to warm things up?  

I really have no idea.  I will say, however, that each piece above (right down to the Ortofon) has great qualities.  

Constructive opinions and help are super welcomed!

I'd do what dweller suggests and if I may say, experiment with your speaker placement and direction. You'd be surprised at the improvement made by toeing them in at you more than what you're accustomed to. Immediacy and presence will increase by more than a noticeable margin. 

If brightness, etch and fatigue set in, move them incrementally away from your ears until it settles down. A happy medium should be in reach.

Also, if you're not too paranoid, try leaving your components on 24/7 as that helped a lot with me. :-)

All the best,

Room Treatment, measure room response, (you may have some frequency suckouts below 60hZ), create space between speakers and front wall for increased depth and imaging. Buy a nice chair that fits you and is not too bulky or over stuffed. Enjoy a beverage of your choice with your favorite recording!
All the components you have should provide a very detailed beautiful, dynamic sound. I really think your going to have to order some speaker cables and finish dialing it in that way. Cables are "tone controls" and it sounds like you bought a lot of nice gear and then hooked it up with whatever?  

Matt M
It's hard to say, besides those speaker cables. I would guess that you are up to a serious upgrade not just 'warm things up' and improve high frequency extension. I would probably think of getting a higher class speakers first. In other words, your entire system may be the weakest link for you now. So..why not sell everything with the possible exception of the turntable and start anew?