Integrated recommendation help

Please recommend integrated  for Sonus Faber Venere 2.5
I love my Primaluna Premium Dialogue HP. A used one would likely fit your budget.
Have the new Rotel Intergrated RA-12 or try there new 120 watt amp . For the $$$ Can not go wrong . 5 year warranty ,
Rotel is a Japanese company with designs made in England and has been manufactured in China for the longest time. They've always been upfront about it. 

All the best,

If you prefer SS gear, buy as good a Hegel integrated as you can afford.  I heard a three of them demonstrated, from the least to the more expensive at an audio show, and while the least expensive amp sounded gear, the two successive sounded increasingly better, with the H300 absolutely superb.  There are as neutral an amp as I have ever heard.