Upgrade path

I'm currently running a set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers bi amped into a Theata Dreadnaught 1 amp with the 5x200 watt set up, Preamp is a Audio Research ls3. Looking for opinions on what I should up grade 1st of the 3 pieces. I was thinking a bigger amp in the 400 watt range but one that would be an noticeable improvement over the Theat which to my ears does a lot of things right. Amp wise I would not be looking to spend more than 4K 
Tomcy6, that's crazy I just spoke with Theta this afternoon. They said the exact same thing! The only recommendation they gave was to go with a set of mono block amps which would give more current. Of course they recommend Enterprise and Citidel monos. Said I should stay away from tubes as they would be mushy with the Dunlavy speaker said? Said Mac amps would be nice however a different sound. Also said while Krell would grip the bottom end I would lose a lot of midrange magic. One thing I've learned is the Theta takes a long time to warm up and now I keep in stand by mode. And must say the amp sounds great to me! May just look at a better preamp but I need one with 2 sets of main outputs so I can continue to bi amp with the Theta(which is the main reason I thought of replacing the Theta)

2channel, Good luck with whatever direction your audio journey takes you.  There's certainly no shortage of options out there.

The MC2500 is one of the amps that made McIntosh.  It is a professional unit and there really isn't a current manufacture direct comparison that I'm aware of.  Bullet-proof, outstanding sound quality.  If you ever wanted to move into Mc, it would be a good way to go.

Good luck & happy listening!

Not a fan of the Macs. Excellent build quality, plenty of parts, and service techs, but the sound to my ears is lifeless. And though with such copius power it might not matter too much, but sacrificing the otherwise advantages of frequency linearity of ss to accommodate auto-formers is non-sensical to me.