Speaker recommendations

Just got a NAD 375BEE and my Triangle Altea speakers seem not enough for the new amp. Any suggestions out there for appropriate speakers for this 150 watt amp.
Thinking of spending around $1,500- 2,000.
Thanks, Bob

An amp will seldom overpower a speaker.  In fact, blown speakers or poor speaker performance is usually the result of underpowering them.  More power is always a good thing.

If the sound is not as bright as you would like, then it is the speaker that is not to your liking.  Too much power from the amp would have nothing to do with it.  But there is probably something else at play here causing the treble to not sound right.  Most likely its your room, the furnishings in your room and the placement of the speakers relative to your listening position.  I suggest you experiment with all of these factors first before you rush out to get new speakers. 

I own the Revel M106,  it is such a great speaker......you should put them on your short list.   Plus they are so good that should you upgrade the amp in the future you won't be compelled to upgrade them.

An amp will seldom overpower a speaker. In fact, blown speakers or poor speaker performance is usually the result of underpowering them. More power is always a good thing.

If the sound is not as bright as you would like, then it is the speaker that is not to your liking. Too much power from the amp would have nothing to do with it. But there is probably something else at play here causing the treble to not sound right. Most likely its your room, the furnishings in your room and the placement of the speakers relative to your listening position. I suggest you experiment with all of these factors first before you rush out to get new speakers.

Good answer, paraneer. I'll add that the type of speaker cable you are using will affect sonics. And the impedance of the speaker cable plays a part in the sonics of amp and speaker.
Also, a stranded copper conductor will typically present smoother highs than a solid core speaker cable such as Audioquest. When silver is used as a conductor, it will bring out the higher frequencies.

What speakers cables are you currently using? You may need a cable with a broader bandwidth to get more highs through your speakers.
i guess I'm not that dissatisfied with my any specific characteristics of my present Triangle speakers but figured maybe incorrectly that if I upgrade to better speakers that sound quality would generally improve. So the basic point of this line of inquiry is what speakers do you folks know about that would provide a somewhat noticeable (I know that is subjective) improvement in overall sound  quality, particularly in the mid and high range for less than $2,000 (incl. used) for the pair. My listening room is about 12' x 16'