Help with speaker placement in my real life room

Hello all, I just set up a pair of Wilson Sophia 2's in my living room.  They are on wheels at the moment so I can tweak the position.  Can you give me a bit of advice on placement with the limitations of my room? I tried the Wilson Audio Setup Procedure, but as I was on my own, it was very challenging.  I plan to do this again when I have a helper.  I then went the route of getting the speakers as far as I could from the back wall, and varied distance between speakers and toe-in degrees.

What I settled on for now is sounding very good, but perhaps still not perfect, hard to say. The thing is, the triangle is far from equilateral, as you can see from my drawing. I tried to get it close to equilateral, but that would require the right speaker being very close to the side wall. When I did this, it sounded far worse. Do you think this is ok, or by the book, to have a listening distance to speaker distance ratio like the drawing is indicating? I want to know of there is some rule that I am missing that may be holding me back.

The right speaker’s tweeter is 51” from the back wall, and 37” from the side wall

Here is a link to my updated schematic drawing of my room and speaker placement.

Even though I like the blinds some thick material window treatments could sound better. I would also be tempted to relocate the flexi rack (nice one BTW) and have the power amps on the floor sitting on platforms. It may not be that much of a hindrance seeing that your Wilson’s are a noticeable distance forth of it and the wall. However I am suspect. While looking I think I would be most concerned about the window wall. Especially since the opposing side is wide open.

I am thinking bass might be somewhat looser having the speakers on wheels that may not be the best way to sample location placement. 
Hi Mark, 

Re your windows w/plantation shutters, certainly  better at diffusion than just plain glass which would be very reflective, and certainly the open/closed positions of the shutters will affect  it even more, but I'm not at all sure how broad the bandwidth would be, as compared to 'severe toe in'. I only mention this toe in because it is free (!) and worth trying just to find out, for example, if side wall reflections are affecting your sound negatively. BTW, if you go to many shows you will have noted that many set up's have this type of toe in as it helps eliminate a lot of the upper frequency room issues exhibitors are faced with. FWIW, I'm not sure I would like diffusion on the side walls, damped yes, diffused not so much. I like diffusion more behind the speakers and the listener position. 

 You could also hang a heavy blanket over the shutters and determine from this the extent of the differences with a 'wall' with minimum high frequency reflections, one without - just glass, and one with the shutter blades open/closed. Different speakers sound differently depending a lot on their tweeters dispersion characteristics. I'm not familiar with yours. 

Another thing to consider re the toe in I suggested - it can take a lot of the room issues out of the sound stage, makes it more of a 'near field' listening experience. For some this is bad - folks like all of the bouncing sound waves which can appear in the form of a 'larger' soundstage with sounds appearing outside the speakers. For some this is good - you can get awesome clarity but you won't get soundstage affects outside of your speakers (which is actually the 'correct' sound for a properly set up system, wherein all in-phase information occurs between the speakers and only out of phase information on the recording can appear outside the speakers. 

But, as I said in my other post, your set up looks pretty good, and my suggestions assume something which may not exist. Be careful, anxiety can be expensive. :-) 

That's a good idea putting them on wheels to position.   I solved part of my room issues with some curtains and a small area rug.  I put sub on a Gramma platform and decoupled my speaker stands on spikes.  Since placement could only take me so far so those things went a long way.

One of the best tweeks was when I swapped TVs and set up another family room, I put the 55" in our other family room and put a 47" in its place in my listening room.  The wife and kids gravitated toward the larger TV...... I then pulled the speakers away more from the walls and removed some furniture.    Now with the kids in the other room, my wife actually listens to music or watches a movie with me.  
Mark, having just gone through speaker placement in my small room, I can say that using an SPL meter helped me tremendously.  Also, dont be afraid to try speaker positions that may not make sense (visually or logically).   I cannot believe how much better my speakers sound now and the setup I ended up would be something I never would have imagined before. My speakers are not very close the sidewalls, pointed straight ahead.  
tboooe,  how exactly did you use the meter?  Did you play some sort of test tone?  I have old school tube gear, not a home theater rig or anything like that.  Can I make use of a meter such as this in  my system?  I see that there is a SPL meter app for iPhone, I wonder if it's any good, or if the iPhone mic is up to the challenge.  thoughts?