There are lots of great ideas and truths on this thread. Yes to the poster asking me about all of us hearing differently. I think it was Markel, who said of course. That's just a given in anything audio. That's why so many of us like different brands. Fremmer and many others love Wilson. They get them as a very very special cost, but wouldn't own them if they didn't like them. I know many designers of cables amps etc... as well as reviewers who own and use Vandersteen's (mostly the 5 CT's) for their own personal use let alone reviews or for their products. Honestly, I have heard Wilson and Vandersteen more than any other brands and it makes sense as they have been around forever and are at the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I can tell you that in any component you have business costs built in. That's just common sense and a must. There are many reason's some will buy speakers in the six figure market. Many have been posted already. I personally feel that most of these speakers have left me wanting more and or scratching my head asking HOW and WHY. Tidal is one of the few I've heard in this range that sound awesome, but then I hear the Vandersteen 7's the next week and realize that I'm getting even more musically involving sound and a bit tighter bass for half the cost. Again, even if you like another speaker, I'd say that you can get better sound than most of the 100k + speakers for much less if you really search and listen. JMHO