"There are many reasons a test can yield negative results so one must take results from any test with a grain of salt."Agreed but, OTOH, many things we live with are subjected to testing from structural materials tests to make sure building materials meet their design requirements to crash tests for automobiles to air and water quality tests. Some of the tests get things mostly right and others not so much. With this audio stuff, it seems that testing has not "proven" anything, particularly as related to sound quality. Sometimes the tests confirm why something sounds poor or good but other times there seems to be little correlation. Maybe the tests are not always testing the correct parameters and/or maybe there are parameters that folks are unaware of, or for which there is no accurate testing equipment.
I will say that I did not know Randi inserted himself into the cable controversy or that he actually has a personal history with you and your products Geoff so I will chalk that up to "you learn something every day." My knowledge of him was related to his paranormal abilities challenge. Now I understand your response better.