Should I upgrade my phono linestage first or the tonearm for better results?

Hello all,

I am wondering if I would get more out of an upgrade to my current tonearm, the Graham 2.0, or should I switch out the phono stage AcousTech Ph1P? I am guessing about the same money either way, budget around $2500 for the upgrade. I would be looking to purchase used equipment on this.

Related components:

Clearaudio Virtuoso 2 cartridge

BAT VK 31SE preamp

Krell KSA 250 amplifier

Aerial 10T speakers

Graham IC70 tonearm cable

Transparent reference interconnects

Transparent Ultra MM bi-wire speaker cables

Thank you in advance!!

My opinion is very biased (admittedly) but there it goes anyway - I always think that improvements to phono stages are more worthwhile than tonearm changes. I'm a die-hard Graham fan, though I intensely dislike Clearaudio cartridges. They are one of the current fads regarding cartridge brands, but I feel sorry to disappoint you, I don't enjoy the "German" school when it comes to cartridges and IMHO they are amusical devices. 
Though "colored" (in a very good way however), I'd stick to a Koetsu, I've never seen anything as musical. The loading can be very strange and very few phono stages will do it, i.e., 10 ohms (yes!) and quite odd pF values, but then I think it is worth every effort. The Koetsu gets out of the way and leaves you with pure music, extracting the best out of even old recordings! The Clearaudio is, to me, an analytic tool, albeit a lifeless one which will not stir my emotions, 

So, I ended up buying a Manley Steelhead phono amp and it arrived today.  I can't wait to install it in my system tonight and find out how much improvement that will give me. 

I will post in a few days with my comparison.


I think you made a good decision with your phono stage upgrade. I will be interested to hear your thoughts on the comparison.
I have had a couple hours listening....I can definitively say much wider sound stage, bass articulation and treble response...
And this is all after I thought I had a pretty good setup to start with!

I know it is five times the money, but I won’t go back lol.

The analogy would be as if opening up the Soundstage curtains and letting the music straight through. Versus hearing with the curtains closed. If that makes sense....