Should I upgrade my phono linestage first or the tonearm for better results?

Hello all,

I am wondering if I would get more out of an upgrade to my current tonearm, the Graham 2.0, or should I switch out the phono stage AcousTech Ph1P? I am guessing about the same money either way, budget around $2500 for the upgrade. I would be looking to purchase used equipment on this.

Related components:

Clearaudio Virtuoso 2 cartridge

BAT VK 31SE preamp

Krell KSA 250 amplifier

Aerial 10T speakers

Graham IC70 tonearm cable

Transparent reference interconnects

Transparent Ultra MM bi-wire speaker cables

Thank you in advance!!


So, I ended up buying a Manley Steelhead phono amp and it arrived today.  I can't wait to install it in my system tonight and find out how much improvement that will give me. 

I will post in a few days with my comparison.


I think you made a good decision with your phono stage upgrade. I will be interested to hear your thoughts on the comparison.
I have had a couple hours listening....I can definitively say much wider sound stage, bass articulation and treble response...
And this is all after I thought I had a pretty good setup to start with!

I know it is five times the money, but I won’t go back lol.

The analogy would be as if opening up the Soundstage curtains and letting the music straight through. Versus hearing with the curtains closed. If that makes sense....