When is your Hifi good enough?

Just wondering what makes people tick in regards to determining when things sound "good enough"?

For me I have a vision in my mind of how things should sound based on what I have heard over the years.  Once it sounds that way, I am done.   I can still enjoy listening to other sounds or sounds that omit some things I might want otherwise but if I do not get regular samplings of "that sound" I probably start to wonder.
The room is actually the most important piece, more important than speakers. Which sucks majorly as houses are so expensive...

I agree room is the biggest factor and matching speakers accordingly. Then a well suited amp to drive them and lastly a good quality source which is not hard to find these days, at least with digital.

It all works in the end as long as system (including room) integration and synergy is high. Many ways to get there, some faster than others perhaps.

After that, I think the more minor tweaks that might be done often come down largely to personal preferences.

I have currently have 9 different main listening configurations available in my house in most any room (including outside). They are all "good enough" on their own in that I very much enjoy using each as is, but only one is the best among them that brings the most frequent and biggest smiles. There are ways to make them all even better I’m sure, but hey there is only so much time in the week to sit and enjoy music and maybe dabble here and there once in a while just to try something different if not necessarily better. Too bad!
Oh how I wish I was where my system was "good enough" for my liking. That's not to say I don't enjoy what I have but I'm always pursuing something better it seems. I'm sure I can get there with unlimited time and budget.....is that asking too much? :) Like many, my goal is to duplicate live music.....or as close as possible. I'm loving my tube amp but think I need move to a turntable and dedicated sound room to get to where I want to be. For now I'll continue with the Irish method of sound improvement.....consume more alcohol until things sound REALLY good ;) 
1- it’s good enough when you’ve spent more on your system than you did on your Benz
2- it’s good enough when your naked wife or girl friend walks over to you and you ask her, politely, to wait until the album side is over
3- it’s good enough when someone just walking into your home asks who’s playing the sax
4- it’s good enough when an audiophile buddy says "now I understand what people mean when they talk about soundstage width and depth"
5- it’s good enough when you have zero interest in purchasing any more gear and only want to put your hard earned money into more music

For what it's worth, my system is by most accounts, good enough