Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce

Hi, this may be a no-brainer but I'm looking for some reassurance. I'm looking for a substantial speaker upgrade over my 2ce's. I'm looking at used Sophia 1s. I also have the vandy sub. The rest of by system is :
vtl preamp
belles 150 v2
vpi Classic 1 with dynavector karat.
I question your amp driving 5's with that amp....I have 5A's driven by 200 watts channel Ayre and sometimes I feel its not enough (although I have a very large room)
Well there you go, Stringreen just made it easy, the Sophias really sound good with every amp I tried with them and they really are special.
Why the question?  If you actually LISTEN, there is no comparison.  Period.  Wilsons, hands down.  If you want a second opinion, I'll be happy to give you one.
My only recommendation would be,  don't sell the Vandersteen 2ce for at least a year if you decide to buy the Sophia.  If you can't afford both then you need to wait.  It's too easy to get seduced by something different in your new system and then a few months later really miss something else from your old system. Also the way speakers interact with a room makes home audition critical.  The 2ce are excellent speakers giving wonderful transparency and imaging. If the sub is working well in your room and integrated well, the Sophia might not improve in the bass department. Personally I would look into trying different amps (maybe a VTL, pass or BAT) with your vandersteens. Really depends on what type of improvement you are hoping for (imaging? dynamics? transparency? loudness? bass?) and what kind of music you mainly enjoy.