Low volume on turntable??

Hi everyone, so I’m new to vinyl and have a lot to learn but I just hooked up a my first turn table, and with my preamp at maximum volume, and amp at full gain, it was still veryy quiet and had no depth/bass. The turntable is an old Denon DP-31L that I just installed a new cartridge in (AT-95E) --->Cary Audio AES SE-3 preamp---->McIntosh MC2125--->Klipsch RP-5’s. The system sounds magnificent running .wav vinyl rips with a Monarchy DIP upsampler--> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC in between my comp and the preamp, so there must be something wrong with either the unit, or how i hooked it up (basic built in RCA to preamp, with the integrated ground wire running to the Mcintosh chassis). On the plus side the ultra-quiet music has no hums, or background distortion whatsoever, even at full volume.

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated! Cheers
there is a NAD for $150 and a Rega for $250, both on Audiogon right now.   Either is fine, it seems you are just getting started, and as you mentioned, the table and cartridge are pretty entry level.  Personally, I'd get the NAD, and save the extra $100 for a rainy day.  

If you decide to get serious about vinyl, you may consider a bit higher budget for the analog setup.  If you get more into it so to speak, and can justify the spend, I would sell the table, cart, and stage in the future to a friend who also wants to dabble, and roll that cash towards a step up the chain, which will get you in the area where vinyl can outperform digital.

 I read an article recently by and non audio journalist who came to the conclusion that unless you break a particular price/quality barrier, vinyl will not sound better than a standard cd player. Since you have a reasonably nice DAC, you may find that your analog does not sound as good as your digital.  If that is the case, I would not let that discourage me!

For your system, I would say an investment of $1000 for an analog front end would be a Very very good spend.  I would look for a table, cartridge, and phonostage at $333 each, hopefully all used, meaning your $1000 should be getting you closer to $1800 in gear, gently used.  I think at that level, you will feel the analog will sound as good or better than the DAC.   

For now, grab the NAD and enjoy some records!  Can't go wrong.
The Schiit Mani is a great little phono stage and sells new for $129. That would be a great match for your Denon table and AT cart.  Better than the NAD.

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