$16K new/used speaker question?

Opinions on options for full range, 8ohm, 90db or above speakers. So far I have heard and liked both Devore GibbonX, and Acoustic Zen Crescendo's and really like them both a lot.  I'm using an all BAT tube system with the VK-150se tube amps. Any thing else I should be listening to? I've heard the Wilsons sound great with BAT gear, but on paper they look like they would be really rough on my amps.

I've been trying to upgrade my Aerial 7Ts. 16K sounds like a lot of money, but I had to spend a little more money also. I love YG Sonjas, but they are out of my price range. I ended up with Monitor Audio PL500s and I'm very happy.

  Look to C. Parras Anat III Sigs.  I also have a local pair of Magico S5s very close to your range.
Hi Mike, Those Anats are on my list. Hoping to find a dealer pr. that I can do a trade in with my speakers and avoid going through the hassle of selling mine online. 

Perhaps we can work something out.  Give me a call tomorrow after 10:30 Am.

Of course for that price, you could also get a custom built set of Salk SoundScape 8's or 10's in just about any veneer you can dream of. You won't find a better sounding speaker under $25k.