B&W Sold to a Silicon Valley Startup

Did you all see this news:


I hope it's not a bad omen for a great brand.
@ coli

He sold it for an equity stake in the new combined entity, which is still privately-held and VC-funded, not yet publicly traded.  The purchasing firm doesn't have that level of funding for a cash purchase. 

Makes me wonder...given how many VC-backed private equity deals are finally being seen for the ZIRP-driven, QE-liquidity unicorn-fantasies they are, with valuations called into question, I wonder if that's a part of the buyer's mentality.   Add hard, leveragable assets, a predictable cash flow and globally-known brand name with marketable value and overnight the unicorn startup turns into a real company that will likely have no trouble raising additional equity.

Sounds like a new direction for B&W and will be interesting to see what happens.