What is the warmest receiver...

Hi... wondering what is warmest sounding mid-price receiver (closest to tube sound if that is even possible) for somewhat bright sounding speakers with ribbon tweeters.


Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Is the receiver going to see duty as a multi-channel processor/amp for movies or will it be used in a two channel system only?

If you're looking for a music only amp and can do without a tuner consider the 100wpc Jolida 1501 RC which uses a tube preamp section and solid state amplification. They go for around $750 new.

Good luck!
You might look into Marantz receivers. The 300 series, to many problems with the 400 series. They are very musical/warm.
I own a B&K but I love that Marantz sound. I used to own the SR-14 but wanted bass management, Still....the Marantz is easily the warmest of the bunch you mentioned and honey sweet.