Stylus cleaner

Which have you found to be very effective...?
Use magic eraser followed by a soft brush back to front. Inspect occasionally with something like this:


No relation to seller. I have one of these and it is great to check and see if your stylus is clean.

There are plenty of threads on magic eraser here at Audiogon.
Great input guys, thank you. 

And thanks for the laugh slaw...!

I was using Audio Technica fluid but since my cartridge upgrade (Lyra Skala) I wanted something better.
As previously mentioned I have ordered the Dust Buster by Vinyl Passion but I'm certainly interested in the Onzow & Flux. 
Additionally I do of course endeavour to maintain clean records...!

Fluid stylus tip cleaning is strictly prohibited for most of the hi-end cartridges such as ZYX etc!

Onzow is the best solution, you will find it for reasonable price from japanese sellers on ebay.

Cardas LP with ultrasonic cleaning signal works also like demagnetizer but can not harm your MC/MM/MI cartridge.  The best tool ever! 
@ chakster

ZYX makes no mention of "strickly prohibiting" cleaning their stylus tips with a liquid cleaner on their website!

The Ozono does not clean "above the diamond on the cantiliver", and also needs the use of a brush.