Ayre now has a new QX-5 all in one

box with DAC/Streamer (Tidal etc), Roon ready. It has nearly any input and a great headphone amp too.  It can also be used as a preamp, although I personally have yet to hear any digital pre sound as good as a great preamp, but that's me.  It's all balanced and has the Ayre power supply filters that all the Ayre products have.  I can't wait to hear it. I personally am running a great sounding Empirical Audio OSDE/SE with all the upgrades from Steve and I also have a Mac Mini server that Empirical totally rebuilt with a separate Hynes linear power supply.  It's full of only hi rez, well recorded music of all genres.  I love it, but the new servers do sound a bit better, so I've been looking.  I didn't want to set up a NAS, but since I run a Linn DS system in the bedroom I'm open to it.  I love the Melco NAS and may just get that for my NAS and the Ayre for everything else.  I want a simple, one box solution and I do use IEM's and cans on Sunday and Sat mornings so having a great amp solution in my main rig is enticing too.

I rn an Ayre AX-5 Twenty with Vandersteen Treo's (going to sell so I can upgrade to the Quatro's) and Basis/Aesthetix's for vinyl.  Pretty exciting times in digital.  I'm sure that Ayre will be a great value for all that it offers and it should sound incredible.  Time will tell.
Ok. It may be. Ayre told me around 9k last week. I do hope it's much closer to 9!lol
Right, but I may have missed, but nothing says the whole catalog etc...I'm assuming they will, but who knows. I sure hope so.  Personally, I'm just going to use it when streaming Tidal. I won't pay the prices of downloads these days and I refuse to purchase my same catalog over again for the third time, lol.  I do hope it catches on, but I still am not sold that it sounds as good as my high res recordings.  In time we will all know.
"I may have missed, but nothing says the whole catalog etc"

That’s because no one knows yet. I’m sure they plan to roll MQA encoded recordings out over time.  If people buy it, you’ll see more, if not, it will die.
I'm sure that's it. All I'm saying is that most of us who care and have gone through 8 tracks, cassette , vinyl, all the video format fights cd etc are being cautious. Just like the studios