For the money, Best set up for HT and music

I have been reading for about a year; about all the different equipment you can buy to make the sound be the best it can be. I know it sounds extreme, but I want a good starter that I can build on.
He is my history (you can skip this if you like I'll put separator in front of my question)
I'm not super rich, but I do have a crazy love for music, unfortunately I'm young and haven't had enough time to build wealth to build on this hobby. Originally I was looking for the best surround sound (5.1, 7.1) for music and home theater. I came to the conclusion after a while that the Denon 2808ci would provide exactly what I wanted and give me room to grow in the future. I figured with this receiver I could pair it up with KEF 3007 5.1 speakers. I then found that, this might not be ideal. I have picked and matched other speakers and receivers, but at this point I've read so much I've become lost. So if anyone could help it would be much obliged.
In my (short story above if you didn't read) I originally picked the Denon 2808ci for my receiver and KEF 3007 5.1 speaker system. From what I've read though, a 2.1/3.1 might best fit my needs though for now; while optimizing my money.

What would be the best set up for 4500 or less for a nice sounding home theater and music combo. It seems seems 2 speakers, with a center and a sub would optimize the sound quality; but then others say the center won't be needed for the stage if you position the two speakers correctly.

Sorry for the epic writing, but your help would greatly be appreciated, if you need any other details I'll gladly post. By the way, the living room is 18x18; unfortunately wood floors, but I suppose I could get an area rug.

Thanks so much in advance for your help and again sorry for the epic read.
What are your speaker and listener placement constraints? Stuffing a $30,000 speaker in corner when it's not designed to live there will yield $30 speaker frequency response.

If it's just you sitting in the sweet spot of the middle of a couch, you don't need a center channel. If you and your significant other are at opposite ends of a long couch you might want one.

What are your output level requirements? Small drivers won't provide enough distortion (or damage) limited output to reach home theater reference levels as in a movie theater.
Hey Y'all,

Knownothing, check my first post, you will see that I set up a system, with separates that fit into the budget and will unquestionably give better sound then any receiver mentioned in this thread. My second post recommends a source that will give Bluvision all that he desires in sound quality and performance.

I just don't see the sense in buying a receiver when, eventually, it will be replaced by something that you can already afford to buy in the first place. But, then again, to each their own.

About twelve years ago I had a receiver based system. I bought it mainly because it was the best I could afford. It lasted me about two years. I've been working with separates ever since........John

Those are great speakers and probably pretty good Rotel electronics. But, there is no DVD player, sub or cables in the system you spec'd out.

Now many people might argue that if stereo is your first love, a sub is unnecessary. But my view is home theater is just not the same without the low frequency effects... A sub is a must for me, and a musical one can add to music listening experience too, especially if you like Hip Hop or Electronic Dance/Trance music.

Can't really watch movies without a source, so a DVD player is a definite must. Could get away with decent new $200+ rig, but that is still $200. I can't belive I am saying this cause I am usually a source first person, but Bluvision says they are going to mostly use their computer for music, video formats are in flux, and any of these electronics discussed have decent to very good built in DACs, so I would bottom fish for a new over achieving 1080P up-convertor.

Good cables cost some dough too, 5, 10, 15% of system costs typically.

I agree you can do better with separates, but not within this budget and still have the kind of full 5.1 system in discussion here with all parts assembled and ready to shake it up.

Not trying to be a fuddy duddy, but all this stuff adds up. I think a the big Denon has the chops to keep Bluvision happy for a while, but we can agree to disagree on that. I think we can both agree that no matter what, the 2808ci is not going to make Bluvision happy for long with the kind of speakers being floated now.

And speaking of speakers, I agree with BR that Revel speakers are great. There are several to choose from on Agon right now as well. Very different sound from B&Ws as I recall, much rounder but with great timbre. I am partial to the current Performa line and old M20's.
Hey Y'all,

Knownothing, or is it Readnothing? This is what I posted on 4/17, my last post;

"Knownothing, check my first post, you will see that I set up a system, with separates that fit into the budget and will unquestionably give better sound then any receiver mentioned in this thread. My second post recommends a source that will give Bluvision all that he desires in sound quality and performance."

Now if you read everything, you will notice that I did mention a sub, the VRS-1, on sale in a package with the VR-2 floor standers. I would never recommend any system, H/T or 2 channel, without a sub. I know for a fact that unless you are using speakers that go down to 20Hz flat response, you are not hearing everything that is embedded in the recording. So, since most speakers out there, especially the speakers in discussion here, do not go down to 20Hz flat, there will always be a need for a sub.

As for your point about cables, this is a start up system, thus Bluvision, as I did when I first started out putting my systems together back in the early-eighty's, can use entry level, i.e.; cheap, interconnects and speaker cables to begin with. Then, as money comes available, he can set out on the endless, and I do mean endless, search for interconnects, speaker cables and power cords that will take his system to the next level.

As for your insistence on a receiver, no receiver has the "chops" to match separates in performance. The only thing a receiver has on a moderately priced set of separates is more features. It's like having a Swiss Army knife, when you need it, it's really good to have but you don't really use it at home because you have the specialized items at home that the knife would give you when you are on the road. Added features on a receiver do not help its performance. They are nice to have sometimes, but generally not necessary.

As for the Revel speakers, I've owned several pairs including the M20's. I agree, they are good speakers. But again I don't think they match up, price for performance, with Von Schweikert. I also found the M20's to be forward and a bit shrill or tizzy on the high end of the frequency range. I've found metal tweeters will do that.

And finally, if you go over what I posted CAREFULLY, you will find that I made everything fit in the budget, give or take $200. As stated earlier in this post, that includes a sub and source. Of course some serious haggling will have to take place, but it can be done.

Bluevision, good luck in your search and have fun.

Oops, I did miss the sub, my mistake. I did not see a source included in that first list and budget, but then I have been known to be a careless reader before...

Cables are what they are: mysterious, expensive, more expensive, and going on up to ridiculous. But they make a difference, and the more pieces you are linking together, the more cables you have to buy and the more fooling around you need to do to optimize performance. If you are using anything but hardware store wires, the costs can accelerate very quickly - even buying used.

For $4500 Bluvision can get a great sounding system. Agree with Jwer7 and others here that buying used gear, whether it is centered on a receiver or separates, will increase the quality and overall enjoyment of the initial investment.

One last thing to consider, HT electronics are more of a commodity than 2 channel gear and changes come fairly quickly in terms of shifting formats and features. As a result, values for new and used HT equipment both tend to drop more quickly than for high quality 2 channel stuff. Something to keep in mind as you enter the market. Happy shopping, watching and listening.