Stylus cleaner

Which have you found to be very effective...?
Ok I will try the Magic Eraser too, thanks.

The Dust Buster works very well; it's like a really thick viscose gel & you can see the remnants of what it's removed. 
Great that the Dust Buster works. I think it is about the same as the Onzow. If you are not using a magnifier of some some type to inspect the stylus you should get one like I recommended earlier in the thread for about $10. The 60x magnification really lets you see the stylus and cantilever in detail.

Best Regards,

This one is widely available and works well. You will have to remove the clear plastic guard


Here is a copy of my earlier post with a link which I hope works. If it does not work just copy the description into the search description on e-bay:

Use magic eraser followed by a soft brush back to front. Inspect occasionally with something like this:


No relation to seller. I have one of these and it is great to check and see if your stylus is clean.

There are plenty of threads on magic eraser here at Audiogon.