Rlawry, I built a splitter today using Furutech power cord wire (1 ft.)
Furutech latest best outlet NFC, a copper cord plug from ATL,
a shallow outlet box. To this I added two 3 way splitters ( the kind that don't block the other outlet) orange from Lowe's with one straight out and one to either side. Just screw this to the wall and add six MC-0.5 mag filters.
They don't make 20 amp splitters that I could find because we can't connect several appliances to one line. But I was able to use very good quality parts to the splitters. This allows me to use all 8 of my MC-0.5s
at the wall outlet. more with a right angle splitter from Lowe's. I can always make one or two more split systems and add 6 more .5s for each one.
The Sound, after 5 hours of listening, with 8 mag filters at the wall outlet it seems to sound more real and 3D then with 3 in the power distribution box. Still early as the splitters can take 5 days to sound good. Also comparing absolutely ridiculous to absolutely ridiculous is harder that one might think.
It May be psycho-acoustics from a psycho-audiophile. But I will have a more definitive answer in a week. Will try to pm you some pics.
Cheers D
Ps. I would try to avoid parts that have surge protectors in them so I can have 12AWG wire straight thru for better connection.